Atty Ronnie Azura visits NEMSU for a consultative meeting

by: Public Information Office | February 05, 2023

Atty Ronnie Azura visits NEMSU for a consultative meeting

LOOK: The Oversight Resource Person of Senator Francis “Chiz’ Escudero for NEMSU, Atty. Ronnie Azura visits the University for a consultative meeting last February 2, 2023. EMS President, Dr. Nemesio G. Loayon and key officials welcomed in the arrival of Atty. Azura. The President highlighted in strengthening the relationship between NEMSU and external partners for support and resource generation. Atty. Azura envisions of bringing the University in greater heights with good governance and empowering mindset through the support from the Office of Senator Francis Escudero. His university tour under his supervision oversees the realistic situation on the ground of the different HEIs. The meeting opens comprehensive discussions on the existing concerns in instructions, research, extension and production services.