The Guidance Center Provides comprehensive and development program which facilitate the optimal development and well-being of every student cognizant to NEMSU's mission-vision.
It is the process of assisting and guiding the person to resolve his/her personal, social, psychological, academic, career and vocational concerns. It leads individual towards better self-understanding, goal setting, planning and decision-making. This can be given individually or in group basis according to the particular needs of the students.
Test provides “information in meaningful terms through quantitative description.” It is provided for the purposes of determining one’s personality – strengths and weaknesses, school ability, aptitude, interest and vocational inclinations through the aid of standardized test.
It guide students in making and implementing informed educational and occupational choices. Through the different programs and activities students acquire the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to identify options, explore alternatives and succeed in life.
The appraisal of how counselee’s who have been counseled, placed, or referred are doing, to determine whether further assistance is necessary.
A coordination of multidisciplinary team of specialist to ensure that the student-client need is met. It is the tapping of agencies, organizations, or individuals that maybe of better assistance in the counselee’s resolution or creative management of the problems.