NEMSU President Dr. Nemesio G. Loayon Guides University's Income-Generating Initiatives Remotely; Virtual Attendance at Institutional Manual Review of IGP Operations Manual

by: NEMSU Pres. Nemesio G. Loayon | September 13, 2023

NEMSU President Dr. Nemesio G. Loayon Guides University's Income-Generating Initiatives Remotely; Virtual Attendance at Institutional Manual Review of IGP Operations Manual

NEMSU President Dr. Nemesio G. Loayon Guides University's Income-Generating Initiatives Remotely; Virtual Attendance at Institutional Manual Review of IGP Operations Manual Cotabato, September 13, 2023 – Dr. Nemesio G. Loayon, President of North Eastern Mindanao State University (NEMSU), demonstrated his commitment to the university's growth and development by attending the Institutional Manual Review of the IGP (Income-Generating Projects) Operations Manual, held on September 13, 2023. The event took place at the University Board Room in NEMSU, while President Loayon joined remotely from Cotabato, where the 2023 MASTS (Mindanao Association of StateTertiarySchools, Inc.) Games- Sports Competition was concurrently being held.

The IGP Operations Manual is a pivotal document designed to steer NEMSU toward establishing new income-generating initiatives and enhancing existing ones. This comprehensive manual outlines strategies, guidelines, and protocols for the successful implementation of these projects, aiming to bolster the university's financial sustainability.

Despite being physically separated by distance, President Loayon's virtual presence underscored the importance of this review. His participation showcased his unwavering dedication to ensuring that NEMSU's income-generating initiatives align with the university's mission and vision.

During the virtual session, Dr. Loayon emphasized the need for innovation and adaptability in the ever-evolving landscape of income generation within the academic sector. He stated, "Our university's financial health is vital to our ability to provide quality education. We must continually explore new avenues for income generation while refining our existing strategies."

The event brought together faculty members, administrative staff, and experts in financial management, who actively discussed the manual's contents and provided valuable insights.

The IGP Operations Manual review is part of NEMSU's ongoing efforts to enhance its financial sustainability and invest in its academic programs and facilities. President Loayon's remote participation allowed him to fulfill his commitments at both the Institutional Manual Review and the 2023 MASTS Games Sports Competition, demonstrating effective leadership and multitasking skills.

As the session concluded, President Loayon expressed his optimism for NEMSU's future, stating, "Our commitment to financial stability and academic excellence remains steadfast. This collaborative effort will undoubtedly propel us toward greater success in the years to come."

NEMSU's pursuit of innovative income-generating initiatives, guided by the IGP Operations Manual, reflects the institution's dedication to providing exceptional education and opportunities for its students while ensuring a secure financial foundation for its continued growth. President Loayon's active involvement, even from a distance, reinforces his commitment to NEMSU's progress and prosperity.