List of Bidding Invitation

Document Title Type Posted On
97-Meals and Snacks for the Pre-Technical Budget Hearing for FY 2025 Budget Proposals with the DBM of NEMSU Tandag Campus RFQ March 22, 2024
154-Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies of NEMSU Tandag Campus RFQ March 22, 2024
186-Meals and Snacks for the 2 Days Training on Dishwashing Liquid and Product Costing and Packaging Training (Dishwashing Liquid) under Microeconomics Livelihood Development (MLDP) Phase II RFQ March 22, 2024
190-Meals and Snacks for Pre-Planning Activity Business Startups The Opportunities and Challenges after COVID19 and Becoming Entrepreneur and Staying Profitable under Barangay Intergrated Development Approach RFQ March 22, 2024
193-Meals and Snacks for the Benchmarking Hilot Wellness, Skirting and Fish Processing (DEboning) under Livelihood Opportunities for a Vast and Efficient Development (LOVED for TIMALA) RFQ March 22, 2024
196-Meals and Snacks for the Plenary Activities TNA, Planning, and MOU Signing, Seminar on Pickleball (A Promotional Sport) and Seminar on Traditional Games Under Wellness, Physical Activity, Sports and Exercise RFQ March 22, 2024
198-Meals and Snacks for the Plenary Activities TNA, Planning, and MOU Signing, Seminar on Emphasis on Emotional Well-being and Teacher's Training on Remote and Hybrid Learning RFQ March 22, 2024
24-Supply and Delivery of Venetian Blinds with Complete Accessories for Registrar's Office of NEMSU Lianga Campus RFQ March 18, 2024
25-Supply and Delivery of Furniture and Fixtures for Registrar's Office Use of NEMSU Lianga Campus RFQ March 18, 2024
36-Supply and Delivery of Sewing Machine and Other Materials for the DGTT Garments Laboratory of NEMSU Cantilan Campus RFQ March 18, 2024